Energizing Peach Spinach Smoothie (With Banana and Almond Milk)

Peach spinach smoothie recipe

A recipe for an energizing peach spinach smoothie with all the right flavors and nutrients, perfect for when you need an energy boost.

During the warmer summer months, I love drinking smoothies that are not only nutritious but also refreshing and perhaps a bit sweet.

One of those refreshing smoothies is this particular peach spinach smoothie. It’s a classic recipe that I often change up a bit depending on my mood, but this smoothie somehow just always works for me.

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Blending vs Juicing (Should You Drink Smoothies or Juices?)

Blending vs juicing

Blending or juicing, which is better? Read this practical guide to learn more about the pros and cons of smoothies and juices.

Blending vs juicing, it’s a never-ending debate, and rightly so! I actually enjoy doing both, as I can see the pros and cons of smoothies and juices.

This guide will hopefully help you decide whether you should invest in a blender or a juicer and figure out which is more likely to give you the biggest nutritional bang for your buck!

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Delicious Avocado Seed Green Smoothie (With Spinach and Fruits)

Avocado seed green smoothie recipe

A recipe for a delicious and nutritious avocado seed green smoothie, with baby spinach, banana, strawberries, and mint.

Did you know that avocado seeds are edible? I can’t blame you if you didn’t, but these bulky seeds in avocados are actually quite nutritious. And the best way to eat an avocado pit? As an ingredient in a tasty green smoothie recipe!

I’ve been adding avocado seeds to my smoothies for quite some time now, and today I’m sharing my favorite smoothie recipe with an avocado pit as one of the ingredients.

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Refreshing Blueberry Spinach Smoothie (With Banana and Mint)

Blueberry spinach smoothie recipe

A recipe for a refreshing blueberry spinach smoothie with all the right flavors and nutrients, perfect for in the morning or afternoon when you need an energy boost.

I don’t know about you, but I love drinking a smoothie in the morning, either with or without a cup of coffee. A freshly made smoothie gives me the energy I need to prepare for the day.

One of those smoothies I love drinking in the morning with breakfast is this refreshing and tasty blueberry spinach smoothie.

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Parsley and Cucumber Detox Green Smoothie

Parsley and cucumber detox smoothie

This parsley and cucumber detox green smoothie, with ginger and lemon, is a great way to feel recharged and revitalized.

Packed with nutrients, this delicious green smoothie drink will give you the right amount of energy to get you through the rest of the day.

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